2013年11月3日 星期日

A380 First Landing At SFO

Pilot's View: Airbus A380 approaching and landing at SFO

This is really worth watching.  Airbus A380 first landing at San Francisco International Airport (SFO)...800 plus passengers.

The pilots sat away from everything - no tinkering of the control panel's knobs and buttons.  The captain pulled up a keyboard once in a while to enter information but the plane itself did most of the work...

The humongous A380 made its first landing at SFO. It seemed that it was extensively automated. The air traffic controller gave the pilots heading, altitude and speed.  They simply dialled in the data and then waited for the landing. Pretty interesting!

For best results, go "full screen" on your monitor.  You will get the feeling as if you were in the cockpit.


巨無霸空中巴士 A380 載著800多名乘客首次降落舊金山國際機場...值得一看



2 則留言:

  1. 由於科技進步, 前人做不到的, 現代人已有能力做到, 科技進步為人類帶來很多好處, 但有時也製造一些意想不到的反效果. 以 video 的 A380 空中巴士為例, 高度自動化的反效果是使機師的工作變得單調沉悶, 從 video 可以看到機長的反應很無奈,,,( 他甚至發牢騷地說可以刪除冇用的降落程序 ). 有研究員指出由於工作單調, 特別是揸遠程的機師, 他們很難長時間在這沉悶的還境中保持應有的危機意識和集中注意力,,,一旦遇上嚴重的特發事件, 他們會很易犯人為錯誤.

  2. 哈哈! 揸飛機原來咁悶 ge, 都係放飛機刺激啲 !
