2015年8月5日 星期三

Low Carbon Plot?

The Clean Power Plan Protects Our Health & Our Air

注意:前半段有 CO2 和地球溫度變化的資料

The Great Global Warming Swindle 2007 3 8

Global Warming Hoax, Best Document Ever

Global Warming / Climate Change Hoax
- Dr. Roy Spencer 

 Top 10 Climate Change Lies Exposed

Climate Change: What Do Scientists Say?

Bjorn Lomborg: Global priorities bigger than climate change

Related articles:

1.   Obama Calls for 30 Percent Reduction in Power Plant Emissions. 

2.   Obama's climate policy is 'practically worthless', says expert

3.   Climategate:the Conservative backlash begins

4.   Climategate:how the MSM reported the greatest scandal in modern science ( The Telegraph )

Here's what the Times has had to say on the subject:
E-mails allegedly written by some of the world’s leading climate scientists have been stolen by hackers and published on websites run by climate change sceptics.The sceptics claim that the e-mails are evidence that scientists manipulated data in order to strengthen their argument that human activities were causing global warming.

5.   The Dragon's Dissent Part II:Carbon Tax As A Trade Weapon    


6.   Low Carbon Plot, or Why Cancun Has Already Failed

7.   Global Warming from CO2, All Politics - No Science ( by Robert A, Ashworth, Source:Principia Scientific International )

Based on real data evaluation, CO2 causing global warming was completely contrived. The lesson to the world here is, when it comes to science; never blindly accept an explanation from a politician or scientists who have turned political for their own private gain. Many scientists, including the author, see global warming from CO2 as a cruel global swindle to eliminate fossil fuels, so that a few, at the expense of the many average people, can reap huge profits from either carbon taxes or alternative fuels. Science is a search for truth – nothing else; when scientific truth is trashed for personal gain, the world is in deep trouble!

8.   針對全球變暖學說的反駁 ( 王俊鵬 )

9.   中國近五千年來氣候變遷的初步研究 (  竺可楨:中國科學院 ) 

2 則留言:

  1. 杜牧《過華清宮》


    眾所皆知,荔枝是廣東的特產。從廣東嶺南到長安至少有 1,000公里,就算用快馬運送至少要四至五天,而荔枝是極難保鮮的水果,四至五天荔枝已開始腐爛,那麼楊貴妃吃的荔枝是從那裡來的?




  2. Human Made Emissions of Carbon Dioxide ( Source:Principia Scientific International )

    " Do you realize that CO2 emissions created by man's activities, combustion of fuels, etc. (called anthropogenic emissions) is miniscule compared to the emissions of CO2 from nature? Table 1 was developed by the IPCC. It shows annual CO2 emissions to the atmosphere from both nature and man and how much of the CO2 emitted is re-absorbed by nature.

    Carbon Dioxide ( Natural ):770000 ( Annual Million Metric Tons ) = 97.1% of Total
    Carbon Dioxide ( Human Made ):23100 ( Annual Million Metric Tons ) = 2.9% of Total
    Carbon Dioxide ( Absorption ):781400 ( Annual Million Metric Tons ) = 98.5% of Total
    Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis, (Cambridge, UK Cambridge University Press, 2001), Figure 3.1, p. 188.

    Using the table above in combination with a total concentration of 392 ppmv of CO2 seen in the atmosphere in December 2011, one sees that the increase in CO2 caused by all of man's activities amounted to only 11.5 ppmv. The amount of CO2 from man is a mouse milk quantity compared to nature's emissions. If we eliminated worldwide, all manmade CO2 emissions, we would go back to the level in December 2005 and it was warmer then than in December 2011.

    Nature absorbs 98.5% of the CO2 that is emitted by nature and man. As CO2 increases in the atmosphere, nature causes plant growth to increase via photosynthesis which is an endothermic (cooling) reaction. For every pound of biomass formed some 10,000 Btu are removed from the atmosphere. CO2 is absorbed, and oxygen is liberated. Further, a doubling of CO2 will increase the photosynthesis rate by 30 to 100%, depending on temperature and available moisture. More CO2 is absorbed by the plants due to the increased concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere available for conversion to carbohydrates. Nature therefore has in place a built-in mechanism to regulate the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere that will always completely dwarf man's feeble attempts to regulate it. Further, no regulation is necessary because CO2 is not a pollutant; it is part of the animal-plant life cycle. Without it, life would not exist on earth."
