I Will Be There ( Katie Melua )
She is like the lady down the road
Or just the woman up the street,
Like any mother you may know.
To me, she is the one who had it planned
To lead us all to Wonderland,
She always wanted us to go,
And she said:
Don't ever be lonely,
Remember, I'll always care.
Wherever you may be
Remember I will be there.
And like another lady that we know
She has a smile so bright and sweet,
And hair as white as driven snow;
Though life is never easy day to day,
She has a very special way
To make us smile when we are low.
And she says:
Don't ever be lonely
Remember, I'll always care.
Wherever you may be
Remember I will be there.
Don't ever be lonely
Remember, I will be there.
I will be there.
I will be there.
She is like the lady down the road
Or just the woman up the street,
Like any mother you may know.
To me, she is the one who had it planned
To lead us all to Wonderland,
She always wanted us to go,
And she said:
Don't ever be lonely,
Remember, I'll always care.
Wherever you may be
Remember I will be there.
And like another lady that we know
She has a smile so bright and sweet,
And hair as white as driven snow;
Though life is never easy day to day,
She has a very special way
To make us smile when we are low.
And she says:
Don't ever be lonely
Remember, I'll always care.
Wherever you may be
Remember I will be there.
Don't ever be lonely
Remember, I will be there.
I will be there.
I will be there.
[ 母親節的由來 ] ( Yahoo!奇摩知識 )
回覆刪除1) 最早慶祝母親節的是希臘人,為了榮耀希臘諸神之母~Rhea而開始的節慶。
2) 英國的母親節:
在十七世紀英格蘭,為表達對英國母親們的敬意,乃訂四旬齋(指復活節前夕之前,星期天除外的40天)的第四個星期日為「Mothering Sunday」,人們在這一天回家探視雙親,並致送禮物表示敬意。
當時,有許多的窮人必須在有錢人家裡幫傭討生活,而被迫離家寄宿在主人家裡,在Mothering Sunday這一天,主人們會放他們假,並鼓勵他們返家與媽媽團聚。為增加歡樂氣氛,也發展了一種特別的蛋糕稱為-mothering cake。
隨著基督教在歐洲的擴散,這個節日轉為對「Mother Church」的崇敬:表達人們對賦予他們生命、保護他們免於傷害的精神力量的感謝。從此,教會的儀式便與母親節的慶祝活動相結合,以同時傳達人們對母親與教會的感念。
3) 美國的母親節:
在美國,最早關於母親節的記載是1872年由茱麗雅(Julia Ward Howe即The Battle Hymn of the Republic的作者)所提出的,她建議將這一天獻給「和平」,並在波斯頓等地舉行母親節的集會。
1907年,費城的安娜(Ana Jarvis)為了發起訂立全國性的母親節而活動。她說服了她母親所屬的、位於西維琴尼亞州的教會,在她母親逝世二週年的忌日-即五月的第二個星期天,舉辦母親節慶祝活動。隔年,費城人也開始在同一天慶祝母親節。
之後,安娜和支持者們開始寫信給部長、企業家和政治家,要求訂立全國性的母親節,他們很成功的被接受了,因為1911年時,幾乎所有的州都已開始慶祝母親節了。威爾生總統(President Woodrow Wilson)亦於1914年發表官方聲言,讓母親節成為全國性的節日,就是每年五月的第二個禮拜天這一天。
就以 Katie Melua ( I Will Be There ) 這首歌應應節,祝母親節快樂。