F. William Engdahl:The Gods of Money
* * * * *
F. William Engdahl:What is Trump’s True Agenda?
* * * * *
F. William Engdahl:Trump's Job is to Prepare America for War
Further reading
Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian
Democracy in the New World Order
If you read "Full Spectrum Dominance:
Totalitarian Democracy and the New World Order" among other important things
that you will learn are:
+ The actual Pentagon strategy, called Full Spectrum Dominance,
to insure Washington has supreme military power over any and all potential
+ How the US State Department and CIA use Color Revolutions and charges of
human rights abuse to target uncooperative regimes around the world
+ The real background to the Washington missile defense deployment in Poland
and beyond after 2007 and how that risks bringing the world to possible nuclear
+ How Washington-financed NGOs weaponize human rights to destroy their rivals
around the world from Ukraine in 2014 to Syria
+ The true agenda of billionaire George Soros and his philanthropic foundations
around the world
+ How the US military industrial complex functions to create permanent wars
For the faction that controls the Pentagon, the military industry
and the oil industry, the Cold War never ended. It went on 'below the radar'
creating a global network of bases and conflicts to advance their long-term
goal of Full Spectrum Dominance, the total control of the planet: land, sea,
air, space, outer space and cyberspace.
Their methods included control of propaganda, use of NGOs for
regime change, Color Revolutions to advance NATO east, and a vast array of
psychological and economic warfare techniques, a Revolution in Military Affairs
as they termed it.
The events of September 11, 2001 would allow an American
President to declare a war on an enemy who was everywhere and nowhere, who
justified a Patriot Act that destroyed that very freedom in the name of the new
worldwide War on Terror. This book gives a disturbing look at that strategy of
Full Spectrum Dominance.
坦白說, 如非有特別的重大新聞, 我甚少閱讀本地的報刊, 認為常看反而是害多益少, 因為會受過多的錯誤資訊或雜訊影響。為了減少受報刊的立場影響, 我不會像一般人固定地讀兩三份報刊, 而是在網上隨機地揀新聞來看。如是毒果報這些垃圾, 免費送畀我都唔要, 莫講話要畀錢買。
F. W. Engdahl:"Trump is following Kissinger's Playbook" (Re:You Tube)
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