"Parody Project" 演唱組 - Confounds the Science
Published on Oct 25, 2017 (Re: You Tube)
The very first parody ever produced and
released by Parody Project, and by far the most popular.
Confounds the Science Video - Art Garfunkel
played by Don Caron; Paul Simon played by Linda Gower.
Don Caron)
Hello darkness my old friend.
It’s time for him to tweet again,
but first he’ll have to check in via Fox
‘cause that’s the only place he gets his views.
That’s how things get planted in his brain,
where they remain,
and it confounds the science.
The problem is he’s not alone.
He tweets to people on his phone
that global warming is a giant hoax
perpetuated by the liberal folks,
and he hires people that all think the
that play his game,
and it confounds the science.
When he talks to crowds of four
he sees ten thousand maybe more,
believing they all think he’s God on earth
and was the product of a virgin birth,
and if you disagree you’re the victim of
fake news
or feminist shrews,
and it confounds the science.
“Fools," says he, "you do not know.
It makes me smart from so much dough.
I know exactly where the problems are."
But his solutions are beyond bizarre
‘cause his words never quite a sentence
and thus he spake,
and it confounds the science.
No limits on pollution now.
There’s not a thing we don’t allow.
Dump the garbage in the waterway.
Spray the toxins where your children play.
All the signs say that life on the planet
is headed for a downward fall.
Go to the mall,
and continue to confound the science.
二創疑似影射"Trump 侵", 好搞笑!
回覆刪除街頭演唱組和"Parody Project"的演唱組沒有任何關連, 街頭演唱組當晚演奏的是Eagles的流行歌如 "Hotel California"、"Desperado" 和 "Lying Eyes" 等等, 水準不錯。
街頭演唱組是等商業中心區收了工後, 大約八時半後才出來演唱, 那時街上的行人和車輛不多, 就算有廿多人圍觀也不會構成阻礙, 加上由街頭至街尾只得這一隊樂隊在賣唱, 聲浪不會大到令人討厭。
刪除相比之下, 在旺角行人專用區表演的就不敢恭維了, 這班人自私自利, 噪音滋擾實在令人難以忍受, 我支持撤銷旺角行人專用區的議案。
[FOX News Channel]
刪除熟識美國政治都知 "Fox News" 的立場十分保守, 它的政治評論員普遍傾向支持共和黨的政治人物, 所以招到許多批評。
回覆刪除"Hotel California"
"Lying Eyes"